A composite image featuring a bottle of Royal Flush Sparkling tea; two champagne glasses and a dark bottle of Fortnum's sparkling tea; and a glass bottle of Saicho Darjeeling sparkling tea
Friday 10th May 2024

Three of the best sparkling teas

Looking for great non-alcoholic bubbles for your PR event? Fizzy teas are a great tee-total alternative to champagne

Gone are the days of after work drinks or PR parties ending with guests being poured into taxis or stumbling shamefaced with a bacon bap into the office the next day. 

The rise of the sober curious is an ever increasing trend: according to BCG, global sales volumes of non-alcoholic drinks are expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of +7% between 2023 and 2027.

“Deciding to give up alcohol is now a year-long phenomenon rather than a concept just for January, and the search term ‘sober curious’ trends all year,” explains BCG managing director and partner Elfrun von Koeller.

Research also suggests that many people are not abstaining altogether, but having ‘nights off’ or alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. 

And so it makes sense that PR and event organisers are demanding better quality alternatives to alcohol for press lunches and launch parties. Enter the new star – sparkling tea.

Sparkling tea is made by naturally fermenting loose-leaf teas over many weeks to create a  refreshing bubbly which is both kind to your gut and tastes delicious. Here three of our favourites that we’ll be sipping this summer: 

Fortnum’s Sparkling Tea

A dark, sealed bottle with a grey label. The text reads Fortnum & Mason sparkling teaThis one may have the appearance of a fancy bottle of champagne it however contains zero alcohol and just the delicious taste of lemongrass, darjeeling, water mint and jasmine. If you’re a lover of a pink champagne, there is also pink version available too.

Fortnum’s Sparkling Tea, £17.95, from Fortnum and Mason


Real Royal Flush Sparkling Tea 

A glass bottle with cork, featuring a pale liquid. The label reads Royal Flush on a background of mauve, purple and red brush strokesThis one is a great price and available from supermarkets. It’s a first flush darjeeling tea with notes of rhubarb and white peach. A perfect budget alternative for summer team gatherings.

Real Royal Flush Sparkling Tea, £9.50, from Waitrose

Saicho Darjeeling Sparkling Tea

A capped glass bottle, full of yellow tea. It is decorated with a purple label which reads sparkling tea SaichoThis fruity tea would be perfect for a celebratory breakfast. Grown in the foothills of the Himalayas in Darjeeling, India, this tea has notes of mandarin, ginger and wood spice and gentle, dry tannins.

Saicho Darjeeling Tea, £17.99, available online