Turquoise book cover featuring an outline of circles connected by lines and the text Internal Communication Strategy: Design, Develop and Transform your Organizational Communication, Rachel Miller
Rachel Miller / Kogan Page
Friday 17th May 2024

New book: Internal Communication Strategy by Rachel Miller

On the final day of our Learning at Work Week takeover, we delve into the new book written by the internal comms expert and CIPR Fellow

The phrase ‘game-changer’ is an overused one, but for professionals navigating the intricacies of internal communication, that’s exactly what Rachel Miller’s Internal Communication Strategy: Design, Develop and Transform your Organizational Communication is. 

With a wealth of experience and insights gleaned from over two decades in the field, it’s a comprehensive guide to the subject that’s both enlightening and practical. Indeed, it’s been described as "a strategic IC coach in a book”.

Its strength lies in its holistic approach: Miller, a journalist turned award-winning communications professional, emphasises the crucial role a well-defined approach plays as the cornerstone of effective communication within any organisation. As she says, "Getting internal communication right starts with having a clear strategy.” And it’s a mantra that sets the tone for what follows, guiding readers through the process of designing, developing, and implementing strategies to inspire and motivate employees.

Throughout, Miller seamlessly weaves together theory, real-life examples, and actionable advice. Key insights from industry giants such as the BBC, Marks & Spencer, Hilton, and The Met Office provide valuable perspectives. 

One of the standout features is the MILLER Framework, a structured yet flexible approach that serves as something of a roadmap. While each stage has been analysed in detail, there’s also highlighted expert views from the industry – “so you’ll not only learn how to write an IC strategy, but how to implement it too.”

Workplace changes

The author’s emphasis on the evolving nature of workplaces is particularly timely: with the rise of hybrid working models and the increasing importance of digital communication channels, internal communicators face new challenges and opportunities. 

And Miller addresses these new realties head-on, offering insights on topics such as communicating with neurodiverse employees, how to influence at C-suite level, and measuring the impact of internal communication strategies.

For anyone involved in shaping internal communication, it’s a must-read: an invaluable resource for navigating the complexities of modern workplace communication. Says Richard Bailey, senior lecturer PR, Leeds Beckett University, “What I most admire about Rachel Miller is her clarity. No one explains complex issues more clearly, and this makes her book ideal for students and beginners.” 

We’re in good hands: Miller’s own 20 years of experience, as a Chartered PR Practitioner and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, adds a layer of expertise and authenticity throughout. As she herself puts it, “This is the book I wish existed when I was working in-house… it’s raw, honest, and reflects the reality of working as an internal communicator today.” Believe her.

Rachel Miller's new book, Internal Communication Strategy: Design, Develop and Transform your Organizational Communication is published by KoganPage.

From Monday 13 to Sunday 19 May 2024, the CIPR is taking part in Learning at Work Week. Hosted by Campaign for Learning, this week-long event aims to highlight the power of learning. Find out more about the host of activities that CIPR has to help PR professionals to learn, develop and grow.